Alberta Forecast Invitation
Quantum Advisory Alberta Forecast Presentation - May 24, 2018 (Thursday)
Please join us at the Empire Building on Thursday, May 24, 2018 (coffee & muffins to be provided) for an Alberta Economic Forecast. The presentation will be based on a comprehensive review of over 30 external sources focusing on economic factors that have driven the Alberta economy over the past 13 years (2005 to 2017) and forecasts for next 3 years (2018 to 2020). The presentation will address:
the key factors contributing to the Alberta Advantages and Disadvantages
the international oil market being the #1 factor driving the Alberta economy and affecting 100% of Albertans
the key industries in Alberta and economic indicators for the past 13 years and next 3 years the key general economic indicators for the past 13 years and next 3 years for Alberta
Date: Thursday, May 24, 2018
Location: Conference Room 309, Empire Building (Address and Directions below)
Time: Arrive at 8:00 am with Presentation and Q&A from 8:15 am to 9:30 am
Fee: $25.00 + $1.25 GST = $26.25 payable by credit card via PayPal
Address and Directions to the Empire Building provided as follows:
Empire Buidling
Conference Room 309
10080 Jasper Avenue
Edmonton, AB
T5J 1V9